Orijen dry food Cat Fit & Trim with chicken
Biologically appropriate dry food for overweight cats Consists of 44% nutritious protein and only 15% carbohydrates Type of meat: fish, chicken, turkey Grain Free; High meat content; Light Freeze-dried chicken and...
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- Biologically appropriate dry food for overweight cats
- Consists of 44% nutritious protein and only 15% carbohydrates
- Type of meat: fish, chicken, turkey
- Grain Free; High meat content; Light
- Freeze-dried chicken and turkey liver improve flavor
- Pack size: 1.8 kg
Consisting of 44% nutritious protein and only 15% carbohydrates, ORIJEN Fit & Trim provides nutrition for cats of all breeds in line with their natural bedding requirements.
Unrivaled fresh meat ingredients
Fresh meat is the basis for our award-winning ORIJEN feed. 2/3 of the meat is fresh or raw, providing your cat with essential nutrients in their most original and nutritious form. 1/3 of the meat is dried at a low temperature, providing a stable quality of protein in a concentrated form that could not be achieved by processing only fresh meat.
A variety of different meats
In nature, cats benefit from a diverse selection of meat. This diversity is lost in conventional cat foods, because these often consist of only one animal ingredient such as chicken or lamb in a highly processed form and rarely contain fresh ingredients. That's why the award-winning ORIJEN Fit & Trim consists of an unsurpassed variety of fresh meat in "whole prey" portions for the best possible health.
Whole loot portions
The "whole prey" portions of meat, offal and gristle mirror the natural diet, eliminating the need for a long list of additives. Meat – provides protein and fat along with vitamins A, B, D and K, copper, chromium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc. Offal - contains virtually all of the nutrients cats need for optimal health and thriving, including vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and amino acids. Edible Bones - A rich source of minerals including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium in natural forms so that your cat's body can absorb and utilize them in the best possible way.
Low carbs
Cats are exclusively carnivores and have no natural bedtime need for carbohydrates. However, conventional cat foods still contain large amounts of high-glycemic carbohydrates, such as those found in potatoes or tapioca. These are known to promote obesity and diabetes. The Biologically Appropriate ORIJEN Fit & Trim is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. These come from lentils, chickpeas, squash, spinach and fruit, which are slow to digest and reduce the chances of fat storage
Orijen Philosophy: Biologically Appropriate
The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is the ancestor and closest relative of all domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Wolf and dog share 97% of their DNA. The wildcat from the Middle East (Felis silvestris lybica), on the other hand, is the closest relative to our current domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). Decades of breeding have produced many different types and forms of dogs and cats. However, their anatomy, metabolism and digestive tract are still the same as their wild cousins. So it's no surprise that our dogs and cats also have the same dietary needs as their relatives. Therefore, their dietary bed needs have also remained the same. Our 5 guiding principles are simple and reflect the freshness and variety of meat that dogs should eat naturally. 5 principles that make our biologically appropriate food concept clear: 1. Lots of meat, lots of animal protein, 2. A rich selection of different meats, 3. Fresh meat, 4. Low carbohydrates and low glycemic, 5. Whole prey portions
Orijen dry food Cat Fit & Trim with chicken
Marke: Orijen1.8kg
Marke: Orijen5.4kg
Marke: Orijen